How to Find Affordable Hotels Near Me

As much as I appreciate the communal vibe of hostels, there’s an undeniable allure to the comfort and amenities of hotels: the pristine rooms, cozy beds, workspaces, and the indulgence of a hot shower.

However, luxury often comes at a steep price.
Hotels can be expensive, and I’m not keen on shelling out for a room I’ll only be using for a few hours. That’s why I usually opt for hostels – they’re more budget-friendly, foster social connections, and offer a more immersive travel experience. Hotels, on the other hand, can feel isolating, like a sterile bubble separating you from the destination you’re visiting.
The Best Platforms for Booking Cheap Hotels consistently delivered the most affordable options – a crucial factor for budget-conscious travelers. Agoda secured the runner-up position, particularly excelling in the Asian market.

Today, however, Google reigns supreme.

But wait – how can a search engine be the best hotel booking site?

Allow me to elaborate!

Step-by-Step Guide to Securing Budget-Friendly Accommodations
How to Find Affordable Hospices

Step 1: Conduct a Google Search

  1. Head to Google and input your desired destination, such as “New York City hotels.”
  2. Google will compile results from various booking platforms and highlight the cheapest option, streamlining the booking process significantly.

Step 2: Narrow down your search

  1. Click on the “View hotels” button to access Google’s hotel search hub.
  2. Specify your travel dates and preferences to narrow down your options. Filter by price and location to pinpoint a hotel within your budget and desired area.
  3. Click on “view prices” to explore your booking choices. Ensure to scroll past the advertisements to uncover any hidden deals.

Step 3: Confirm Your Reservation

Once you’ve identified the most economical option, proceed to book directly through the website

or should call the hotel directly and ask for a lower price. I have seen many cases where they agree.

Additional Tips for Getting the Best Price
  1. Use discount rates: If you are part of the AARP or AAA, you can get special rates that are cheaper.
  2. Use cashback websites: If the lowest rate is through a major booking site like or Expedia, go through cashback websites like Mr. Rebates or Rakuten to get additional savings.

  3. Check last-minute deals: HotelTonight is perfect for last-minute bookings, offering discounts of up to 50%.

  4. Sign up for loyalty programs: and offer members 10-20% off bookings.

  5. Buy discounted gift cards: You can book major hotel chains with discounted gift cards.

  6. Explore Roomer: Often people can’t go on a trip and can’t cancel the reservation, so hotels put these rooms on Roomer, where they sell it at a discount to earn some money back.

Just spend 30 minutes on booking a hotel using the steps above to get a good deal and enjoy your trip quicker.

And if you find yourself staying in a lot of hotels, consider getting a hotel credit card to start earning points towards free stays!

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